We all know the buzz surrounding content marketing as a way to help search rankings, get direct traffic, links and more. There’s no doubt about the usefulness and advantages of this marketing method, and one would ignore this avenue at their own peril.
It’s difficult enough when you have a team of writers and marketers devoted to creating and publishing content across the many platforms that comprise the content marketing universe, but to be left to accomplish this by yourself is a truly daunting prospect.
Now that we’ve got the proper anxiety worked up, let me assure you there is a way to scale your content without going mad. It will require a bit of organization and planning, but let’s jump right in and show you what you need to do.
5 Tips for scaling content by yourself!
Content Marketing Calendar – The first step is to get extremely organized, and by this we mean creating a content marketing calendar. This is where you plan out your new content at least 6 months in advance, in order to coordinate with your other marketing initiatives simultaneously.
Don’t forget to curate content – This tactic helps you in a couple of great ways: you can quickly publish valuable content for your readers, (remembering to attribute and inject your own views as well) and increases your own authority in Google’s eyes.
Don’t be afraid to outsource – One easy way to get some help is to outsource some of the work. Even though this is an added expense, it’s not as much as you might think, and will help you tackle areas where you may not have a lot of expertise, such as video, images and more.
Repurposing content – Your magnificent blog post might also make a fine video, slideshow, infographic or podcast. Don’t limit yourself here, and you’ll find loads of new readers, visitors and links coming your way!
Promote your content – A big part of making your content marketing plan work is promoting the content itself. Simply creating it is only half the battle. Create a system whereby you promote each piece via social media and other avenues immediately upon publication, and with paid traffic when appropriate.
Tackling the task of scaling your content by yourself can indeed be intimidating, but also can be done with a little planning and strategy.