You know what’s sad?
Only a fifth of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates*.
One fifth!
Which is why smart businesses are making conversion rate optimization (CRO) an integral part of their digital marketing strategy.
But conversion rate optimization is a bit of a misnomer.
Conversion doesn’t just mean a sale. It’s whatever you definite it to be. And unless you define what you mean by “conversion,” you can’t improve the experience.
Here’s the bottom line: if you want to improve your conversion rates, you must learn to articulate things better and improve the experience so people can perform the action you’re asking them to take.
In this Guide, we’ve covered the foundations of an effective digital marketing strategy, everything from content and advertising to social media and email marketing to SEO and analytics.
But to succeed as a digital marketer, you also need to know how to optimize your marketing over time—making small tweaks that can turn 1% returns into 10% or even higher returns.
In this chapter, we’ll help you do just that. We’ll talk about the optimization methodology, a repeatable process you can go through to improve results on your website. We’ll also cover the lingo you need to know as an optimizer, the metrics you need to be measuring, and the roles within your organization that will be responsible for it.